Welcome to the Primo Chalk blog, we’ll be getting a grip on all things chalk related and making
sure those hands keep dry! Expect how to’s, don’t do’s and plenty of sports coverage.

What is Primo chalk?
Primo Chalk, made for athletes by athletes, created a proprietary formula chalk that is a blend of pure magnesium carbonate mixed with Epsom salts and essential oils. It’s the only chalk to provide both the grip to help you hit your goals but also look after your skin at the same time. Its unique blend not only moisturizes the skin as you use it but also serves as antibacterial protection.
Let’s look a little closer at the unique features of Primo Chalk:
Antibacterial – The essential oils in Primo act as an antibacterial agent protecting you from any
bacteria/virus/fungi found on anything you are touching. If you think how many people use a
dumbbell in the gym every day or how many people touched that climbing hold, pretty gross hey!
Fact: Primo was originally developed after the inventor got a staph infection from sharing gym equipment! (More on this later in the blog series.) Primo is also the only loose chalk on the market that is naturally antibacterial. So give your fingers the protection they deserve.
All Natural – Primo uses only the best quality and organic ingredients in their chalk blend. You’ll never have to worry about fillers or additives, but do make sure that you’re not allergic to these 5 essential oils! – Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Clove, and Rosemary
Skin Conditioning – Athletes can spend a huge amount of time and money on skincare routines
when actually the key lies in stopping the damage at the source. Primo nurtures and takes care
of your skin while you are using it.
Long Lasting – As a loose chalk, Primo comes already ground up into the perfect powder. The
fine texture of the chalk means when you chalk up, you’ll get the best coverage possible, into all
the natural contours of the skin.Not only will you find yourself having to use less chalk, better coverage means the other ingredients such as the essential oils have a better chance to do their magic!
Smells Great – It also smells DELICIOUS, although please don’t eat it (disclaimer always needed,
especially with climbers). Users just can’t stop talking about the amazing aromas from the essential oils, it’s a little slice of heaven in a smelly gym. The invigorating scents also create a mindspace for concentration and awareness that can directly relate to better performance.
Who is Primo Chalk for?

Athletes, if you’re serious about your sport, Primo is your new best friend.
Gymnasts/Calisthenics – Grip is essential when you’re spinning around a bar, or about to nail that dismount off the
olympic rings. In such a marriage of strength and precision it’s important to trust that nothing is
going to mess with your execution. If I’m flying through the air upside down I want to know
exactly when I’m letting go of that bar!
Climbers – Chalk is essential in the climbing world, it’s near enough impossible to avoid using chalk if you
want to climb anything challenging. Slopers, crimps, pinches. It helps with everything as well as
having the added bonus of protecting that precious skin.
Weightlifters/Crossfitters/Gym Users – OK. Nobody wants to worry about their grip when you’ve got a heavy weight balanced above your head. Losing grip on a deadlift? Chin ups? Take a look below and find out how Primo can help.
Golfers – Swing back, grip slips and suddenly you’ve launched your club at the caddy? Not with primo. So
leave the gloves at home and try a little Primo instead.
And can’t forget about our Disc Golfer, Bowlers, Pole Vaulters, Discus Throwers, Cheerleaders, Armwrestlers, Tennis Players, and all our Primo athletes!
What Form of Chalk Should I Use?

Block Chalk – Often the cheapest, but you need to crush it first, and it’s super messy. It’s often
lower quality than the others too.
Powder Chalk – The best all rounder, super easy to use and the fine particles that you find in
powder chalk is much better at getting into all the small gaps in your skin. Just buy the chalk
and tip it into your chalk bag. Super handy if you are climbing and need to chalk up mid route as
it instantly coats your hands.
Liquid Chalk – Often the most expensive, liquid chalk comes in a tube and you apply it like hand
sanitiser. Once it dries it completely coats your hands in chalk. Can be a bit annoying waiting for
it to dry. A little cleaner than powder or block chalk as it doesn’t tend to go everywhere. Smells
like hand sanitizer, which I think we can all agree, we’ve smelled enough over the past few years.
Chalk Ball – 10/10 for convenience, just place it in your chalk bag or strap it to your harness/waistband and you’re good to go. Simply squeeze it or roll it between your hands for the perfect converage everytime.

Try It For Yourself
So it’s not just some chalk that’s been dug out the ground, it’s the most advanced chalk blend on
the planet. Completely natural, organic ingredients our athletes have tested time and time
We’re really proud of what we’ve created and we just can’t wait to share it with you, so if you
want to reach the next level in your athletic ability, order a free sample here.