Whether you are a devoted gym rat or only use that annual membership you bought in January once or twice, health is at least somewhere on your mind. Perhaps you go as far as to meal prep and count your macros as you prep for an athletic competition. Or maybe you’ve started replacing that bag of Cheetos with an organic alternative (baby steps count). We are all conditioned to focus on food and exercise as part of a healthy routine. But another critical component of health is avoiding exposure to germs and pathogens that get you sick every winter. No, we’re not talking about masks or hand sanitizer. It’s the gym that is on the top of our minds today. So, grab your favorite smoothie and settle in as we attempt to answer the question – how dirty is the gym?
Why Should I Clean Gym Equipment?
Every gym has something around to sanitize the equipment. It could be handy wipes or sanitizing spray and a stash of towels. But let’s face it. Many of us don’t bother wiping things down after finishing a set. We’re focused. We’re on a mission. We’ve got a limited time at the gym and must make the most of it.
Except we all sweat when we’re working hard and pushing the limit. Yes, that means you. And it also means the hundreds of other bodies that have used the bench press today or this week. So, when equipment doesn’t get wiped down, you get to handle everyone else’s sweat. Squeemish yet?

But the sweat dries, right? Yes, it does. However, while it’s wet, it creates the prime breeding ground for germs and pathogens to find a comfy home. This scenario is particularly concerning during the fall and winter when everyone seems to have the sniffles. Thanks to unsanitized equipment, all those fun illnesses now have a place to party.
How Long Do Germs Remain on Surfaces?
The answer to this question depends entirely on the unwanted microscopic organism. According to the Cleveland Clinic, viruses can stick around on hard surfaces between 24 hours and one week. But that’s not the worst number. Some bacteria can stay put for up to five months! We’re talking about everything from the common cold to salmonella.
Ultimately, the length of time will vary greatly depending on the type of germ someone is carrying and the type of surface they touch. Since most gym equipment is non-porous, unwanted germs tend to stick around for a long time.
Another germ is fungi, which really like warm and damp environments. Most gyms are warmer thanks to all the bodies. And that sweat we discussed previously provides the perfectly damp environment for fungi to thrive and spread.
What Germs Live on Gym Surfaces?
One of the most recent studies that looked at what germs live in the gym was conducted in 2021 by Fit Rated. Their study was small but is reflective of broader gym cleanliness.
Fit Rated found that treadmills have 74 times the amount of bacteria that public sink faucets do. Exercise bikes had 39 times more bacteria than cafeteria trays. And you may want to sit down for this next one. Free weights had 362 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

They tested specifically for what is known as colony-forming bacteria. That sounds a bit scary, and it should. Colony-forming bacteria are viable and can replicate. There were over 1 million of these guys per square inch. But don’t let that number turn you off from gym life forever. Our bodies, our environments, and the natural world around us are all teeming with bacteria. Some are harmful, and others aren’t.
That said, roughly 70% of the bacteria found in this study can prove harmful to humans. The study grouped these bacteria into four categories.
This bacteria runs rampant throughout nature. Most of us encounter this type of germ regularly. Some forms are benign and don’t impact us at all. However, other strains can cause infections in our eyes, respiratory system, and ears.
Gram-Positive Rods
Of the four, gram-positive rods are least likely to cause any harm to humans. But on rare occasions, they can cause infection.
Gram-Positive Cocci
This bacteria is a doozy. It is the germ behind things like septicemia and pneumonia. Additionally, it is often the culprit behind various skin infections.
Gram-Negative Rods
These bacteria strains are almost all harmful to humans (at a rate of 90 to 95%). They are also frequently antibiotic-resistant.
How Do I Avoid Getting Sick at the Gym?
We live in a dynamic world full of germs and other harmful things. Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to avoid getting sick. But don’t dismay. There are ways to protect yourself and precautions that can boost your chances of staying healthy.
First, it’s important to remember that we all come with our own built-in line of defense. It’s kind of our body’s superhero and protector.

And that protector is our skin. This external organ (yes, it’s an organ) does more than just look good. It actually acts as a barrier. Skin lets toxins out and prevents unwanted pathogens from entering the body. It’s the body’s largest organ, and it performs its job remarkably well….most of the time. When skin gets damaged via cracks or open wounds, pathogens can easily enter the body.
So, make sure to cover that cut up before hitting the gym. It will help keep unwanted germs at bay. And don’t forget to wash your hands before touching your face after using gym equipment. The only main entry point into the body is through mucous membranes. That means your eyes, nose, and mouth are all weak points. If you start rubbing on them after touching unsanitized equipment, you increase the chances of catching something icky.

Sanitize Equipment
Plan on taking a few extra moments to sanitize the equipment before and after using it. We add “before” because there’s no telling if the previous user is sick or carrying something bad.
It doesn’t take long. And you can use that as your rest in between sets!
Use Primo Chalk
No, Primo chalk isn’t a miraculous invention that will keep you healthy and gym-ready all winter long. But it is lab tested and proven to help decrease your chances of getting a communal infection! This innovative and proprietary blend is naturally antibacterial thanks to its built-in essential oil blend. Plus, those same oils will help condition your skin, protecting against dryness and cracking.
Primo offers multiple chalk forms to benefit every athlete, regardless of their sport. We have applications suitable for weightlifters, crossfitters, climbers, gymnasts, and more.
Check out the complete line here to get the ultimate antibacterial support. And don’t forget to wipe down your equipment!